Valiant Woman Awards and Human Rights Award
CWU of Greater Dayton: Valiant Woman Awards The winners in 2023 are: Phyllis Caldwell and Eleanor Jerman A Valiant Woman is a woman who has given service to CWU, her church, and her community. She may or may not be an actual leader, but is always someone who leads by example. A Valiant Woman is a woman who lives the Gospel message in her everyday life. A certificate and a lapel pin is given to each of the recipients. |
Phyllis Caldwell
Phyllis Caldwell was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. She is the fifth child in her family and has a strong relationship with all four of her siblings. She attended Willard and Wogaman Elementary Schools and graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in 1965. Phyllis graduated from Wilberforce University with a bachelor’s degree in Education and also earned a master’s degree in education from Wright State University. Phyllis has been a life-long educator and retired from Dayton Public Schools after 35 years of service. She taught second, third, fourth and fifth grades at Lincoln, Hawthorn and Hickory Dale Elementary Schools. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (AKA). She was recently honored to be inducted as a “Golden Soror” after more than 50 years of membership in AKA. She is often seen wearing her sorority colors, pink and green. Phyllis is a lifelong member of Greater Allen A.M.E. Church. She served in many different roles at Greater Allen including Chairperson of Christian Education where she oversaw Vacation Bible School for a week every summer for many years. She also chaired Black History month each February and held a Harvest Party every October. She taught Sunday School for many years. She was the Key Woman from Greater Allen to Church Women United for many years and enjoys participating. Phyllis was a member of Greater Allen’s Steward Board, Women’s Missionary Society, the Inspirational Choir, and the Lay Organization. She attends Sunday School, Prayer Meeting, and Bible Study. She also worked with Greater Allen’s Food Pantry where they passed out food to the community every Wednesday. Phyllis enjoys singing with various community choirs including the Schuster Center Choir of Dayton, Ohio and the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir. She also could be found at the Roosevelt Center and Northwest Community Center at Princeton Park line dancing, doing water aerobics and chair exercise. Phyllis is known for her cheerful spirit, wide smile and positive attitude. She thanks God for so many blessings. Phyllis’ favorite prayer is: What God can’t do cannot be done! If we have the Faith, God’s got the power! In victory and deliverance, we pray. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Thank God for the Victory! |
Eleanor Jerman
Eleanor Jerman is our Valiant Woman. Her motto is – “Love all people and never judge.” Her joy and love is God, family, and friends. Eleanor was born and raised in Fayetteville, WV. She continues to spend part of her time there now. Eleanor taught elementary students for thirty-seven years. She began teaching in California right after graduating from Marshall University. She spent two years teaching in Bomberg, Germany for the U.S. Army where she met and married the father of her two children. After the birth of her children and her divorce, she taught in her hometown of Fayetteville, WV. She then continued her teaching career in Kettering City Schools teaching first, third, and sixth grades. She also taught art and music in her classroom. Teaching third grade was her favorite as those students were more independent and eager learners and listeners. At her home church in Fayetteville she taught Bible School and sang in the church choir. During that time she won a state talent show sponsored by the Charleston Gazette. Eleanor has always enjoyed music. She has been Key Woman for Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church and an active member of Church Women United for over a dozen years. Her church community of Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church in Kettering hosted the May Friendship Day in 2019 and the Christmas Tea in 2022. Eleanor has also served on the Women’s Board, Deacons and Stephen Ministry. She has two children, six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren (one 3 years and one 3 weeks). Her daughter is an Episcopal priest in Richmond, Virginia. Her son lives in Springboro and is involved in a ministry for hunters. Eleanor loves puzzles and keeping busy. She does a water workout five days a week at her local YWCA. She cannot name a favorite Bible verse because it changes daily. |
CWU of Greater Dayton Human Rights Award
The winner in 2023 is
Habitat for Humanity, 115 W. Riverview Ave., Dayton, Ohio 937-222-2296 Our 2023 Human Rights Award goes to Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. The mission statement of Habitat for Humanity is "Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope". Homes are built using volunteer labor and Habitat makes no profit from the sales. In some locations outside the United States, Habitat for Humanity charges interest to protect against inflation a policy that has been in place since 1986. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton works in partnership with God and people from all walks of life to develop communities with people in need by building and renovating houses. Habitat ReStores are independently owned reuse stores operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. ReStores accept donations and sell at reduced prices. |
Church Women United is committed to supporting organizations and processes that provide food and other needs for our community members. Having access to healthy food and shelter on a daily basis is a basic human right which Church Women United is proud to honor.