Church Women United
Other Service Opportunities
Chairperson Arlene Mason has UNICEF boxes for those who would like to place them at their churches. (Key Women: Contact Arlene for these.)
Chairperson Arlene Mason has UNICEF boxes for those who would like to place them at their churches. (Key Women: Contact Arlene for these.)
Please scroll down to see some of our service opportunities, including Church World Services, Mercy Manor, CROP Walk, and others.
Church World Services:
This organization puts together School Kits and/or Hygiene Kits (among other services). CWU helps with this project. This year the In-gathering will be held at three local areas (see below). Kits are sent wherever the need is greatest. During the May 2019 tornados, our own area was the recipient of CWS kits! NOTE: Please follow the instructions on the procedures and forms file! |
Many of our CWU churches reported compiling / sending / ordering hundreds of kits in September of each year! These included both School Kits and Hygiene kits; kits were sent to depots from which they were shipped to centers for distribution to areas of need.
Thank you to all those who contributed to this event!
Thank you to all those who contributed to this event!
Procedure: Click HERE to see the procedures and forms file.
Each year drop-off locations with dates and times are listed near us for dropping off the kits; there are also a couple options for all-year drop off locations that are usually about an hour and a half drive from Dayton.
Please CALL Deb Dunlop ASAP if you have drop-off issues -
or need a different drop-off option.
- Collect the items and assemble them.
- Box them up to a maximum of 30 pounds/ box.
Affix the Kits Form to the box. - Contact the depot ahead of time and take the boxes to the depot.
- Complete the Tally Form and mail it to Deb Dunlop.
- Pay the $2.00/kit fees either online or by check to Church World Services.
Include the Shipping and Processing Form, if mailing a check.
Each year drop-off locations with dates and times are listed near us for dropping off the kits; there are also a couple options for all-year drop off locations that are usually about an hour and a half drive from Dayton.
Please CALL Deb Dunlop ASAP if you have drop-off issues -
or need a different drop-off option.
- Year-round Mondays through Fridays
Jackson Area Ministries (JAM),
119 McKitterick Ave, Jackson, Ohio 45640 Phone: 740-286-1320
Mon– Fri. Please call ahead for an appointment to drop-off the kits.
We are asked to pay $2 / kit to cover mailing costs.
Do NOT include the money in the kits.
Make sure that each box weighs no more than 30 pounds.
Do NOT drop off the money at any of the three depots.
You can help cover these fees online at this website:
If you prefer to mail a check, please use the form found at this site:
Do NOT include the money in the kits.
Make sure that each box weighs no more than 30 pounds.
Do NOT drop off the money at any of the three depots.
You can help cover these fees online at this website:
If you prefer to mail a check, please use the form found at this site:
School Kit
Hygiene Kit
Please do not add toothpaste to the Hygiene Kit. Cartons of toothpaste that have an extended expiration date will be added to Hygiene Kits just prior to shipment. |
Mercy Manor:
Support Mercy Manor by sending in your monetary donations directly to Mercy Manor or through Church Women United. The annual Founders Day Banquet is the primary fundraiser for Mercy Manor. Please check the newsletter for the dates of the annual event which is typically held at the Presidential Banquet Center in Kettering. MERCY MANOR is one of CWU's most cherished projects; indeed it was started by CWU! Please consider donating your time, wish-list items, and/or money to support Mercy Manor! Director: Maya Dorsey (as of August 2024) |
Crop Walk (a Church World Service project): Typically, the CROP Walk is planned to be an in-person event at 1:00 p.m. on the second Sunday of each October at Shiloh UCC Church, 5300 Philadelphia Dr. at N. Main St. Interested in joining a CWU team? Interested in forming your own team? Contact Deb Dunlop (Church World Services Chairperson). Or, contact Christy Schaub with questions: [email protected] or 937.681.5867 Online donations are encouraged. (See the crop Walk website or the instruction flyer below.) Cash or checks should be taken to the CROP walk; otherwise, checks may be made out to "CWS/CROP" and mailed to Larry Hollar, 225 Greenmount Blvd, Oakwood, OH 45419. Please see the website for Dayton-area details: |
Financial Support for other projects:
We welcome any financial donations for specific projects. Most recently, we provided financial donations to these organizations (and more):